James Mambo:
Chongwe, Zambia

James started working with Agrihope full-time in 2015 when he moved to Ghana to work at an orphanage and mission center. During the 3 years he spent on the campus, he started a feeding program, trained students and community members on Farming God's Way, and put on several seminars in Ghana and in Sierra Leone. James moved back to Zambia where he has continued to train farmers. He has conducted trainings in 5 countries to date. James lives with his wife Anna in Zambia. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Theology and is a fully accredited Farming God's Way Trainer.

Chimbaza Mbewe:
Lusaka, Zambia

Chimbaza has been training with Agrihope since 2014. He works primarily in central and eastern Zambia. Chimbaza has trained hundreds of farmers across the country, many of whom have seen yield improvements of 1,000%. Recently, Chimbaza was involved in planting a church in Chongwe, Zambia. He has fixed several boreholes around Zambia to provide people with access to clean drinking water. Along with James Mambo, he translated the Farming God's Way Field Guide into his native language of Nyanja. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Theology and is an accredited Farming God's Way Trainer.

Francis Kisebe:
Mzuzu, Malawi

Francis began working for Agrihope in 2016. He has a Master's Degree in Theology and has been a fully accredited Farming God's Way Trainer since 2018. Francis works primarily in northern Malawi, but has conducted a number of trainings in southern Kenya as well. He speaks multiple languages and is an excellent communicator and ambassador for Agrihope. Francis has a number of farmers in northern Malawi using Farming God's Way and seeing radical transformation in their yields. Francis also has his own farm which he manages to very high standards.

Chifundo Chitsulo:
Dedza, Malawi

Chifundo began working for Agrihope in 2019 when he moved to Sierra Leone to begin a ministry. He works with a number of pastors across the country training them on Farming God's Way. Sierra Leone is statistically the 4th poorest country on the planet, and he is the only accredited trainer working in the country. He is known for his passion and work ethic. Upon arrival in Sierra Leone, Chifundo embarked on an exhaustive journey across the country performing seminars at many churches. He lives in Lungi with his wife and son, and has a Bachelor's degree in Theology.

Mickey Kinzenbaw:
Huxley, Iowa

Mickey founded Agrihope officially in 2014 after returning from living in Zambia with his family. The vision for Agrihope started when Mickey witnessed first hand the potential Africa had to move from being the "begging bowl to the breadbasket of the world". He formed Agrihope and hired a trainer to carry on the work that he started training farmers in central Zambia. Since then, Agrihope has expanded to 5 fully accredited Farming God's Way Trainers and has trained in 7 countries across Africa. He works as a firefighter for the Des Moines Fire Department, allowing Agrihope focus their finances on supporting their work in Africa. Mickey has a Master's Degree in Apologetics and lives with his wife and 3 kids in Iowa.