Over 2,000 reached
We conduct several seminars each year. Our trainings bring in anywhere from 20-100 people. These seminars typically last 3 days and we cover the Farming God's Way curriculum including several biblical keys, the management keys, and the technology for them to thrive. We also do a demonstration garden to culminate the training and will go lay out fields for nearby farmers to assist them in getting started. These are incredibly valuable parts of our outreach program. We have had Christians, Muslims, Witchdoctors, and many other walks of life attend these seminars who have all heard and witnessed the transforming effect of the Gospel and the power that God has to radically alter their lives and their farms.
Extension Ministry
Over 100 transformed farms
After we get done with a seminar, our work isn't finished. We get contact information from those farmers serious about transforming their lives and their farms. We then will spend several hours with them during the planting, growing, and harvesting season to assist them in developing their lives. Some need more spiritual guidance, some need more technological guidance, and others may need to learn to manage their farms well. Regardless of the need of the individual, our staff is there to walk through the difficult times in their lives and get them on their feet. We don't do "hand-outs" during this process, only "hand-ups". We provide guidance, instruction, mentoring, and sometimes assistance with actually farming to those who need; then we walk through the journey of Farming God's Way together with them.
Clean Water
Over 1,000 with access to clean water
Did you know that between 30-40% of hand pump boreholes in Africa don't work at any given time? (Source: Guardian) It is common for families to have to walk long distances, sometimes well over a mile, to access clean drinking water from a hand pump. The time it takes to do this makes other activities that families could do to earn an income difficult at best.
Agrihope is committed to helping the communities we work with get access to clean water. We are actively repairing hand pumps around Zambia that have been lying dormant due to needing repairs. Many times these pumps have simple fixes that have simply been neglected because nobody was shown how to repair them after the pump had been installed. We've installed a number of boreholes in communites that lacked access to clean drinking water as well.
Preaching, Teaching, Mentoring, Discipling.
One key about doing development work in many of the areas we work is the impact that religious pluralism on local economies. Witchcraft and ancestor/idol worshipping are rampant in rural areas, even within the church. A similar story we hear over and over is the impact belief in the supernatural power of the witchdoctor. Imagine: A widow is negatively impacted by poor crop yields. People around her say that her land is cursed and she must go to the witchdoctor for an answer. She pays the equivalent of 1 month salary for advice from him. That advice is to sacrifice a cow. So she gladly sacrifices one of her few livestock for the chance to come out of poverty. She is now 1 cow and 1 month salary in the hole and no closer to a solution. We must turn people wholly towards God if they are ever going to come out of poverty.
Agrihope therefore engages in a variety of ministry activities outside of direct agricultural training. Our staff teach Bible college students, run student ministries, preach at churches, plant churches, teach English through the Bible, and much more.