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Pray, Give, Go.

Hundreds of people just like you are transforming lives in Africa.  Giving is easy and makes a huge impact.  Your donations go directly to the cause.  Be involved in our work and be a game changer for Africa. 


For less than $1/day, you can sponsor our program of going out to the fields and helping farmers right at home.  We spend time with them ensuring that they understand fully how God has given all the resources needed to thrive.  You can play a major role in transforming a life with this gift. 

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Demonstration plots are more than just growing corn or beans.  It is vital that people experience God's all-sufficiency first hand. Our demonstration plots act as both classrooms and billboards in communities.  They are an experience and a picture of how to farm God's way. 


You can play a huge role in getting the message out by sponsoring a seminar.  Millions of people still need to hear the transforming effect of this message, and you can get it to them.  Each seminar, 20-100 people hear, see, and practice Farming God's Way so they can take it home and begin the journey of transformation.


Take a once in a lifetime trip to help out with the work we do.  You'll experience the "real Africa" by staying with us in Zambia.  Some will teach, others will play supporting roles.  It is an unforgettable adventure.  You'll also have the chance to experience the mighty Victoria Falls!  We can take teams up to 10 people at this time.  Youth groups welcome. 


AgriHope Inc

PO Box 14

Huxley, IA 50124




USA: 515-729-4523

Zambia:+260 97 7709315

Malawi:+265 993 36 79 74

Sierra Leone:+232 30 163 185

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AgriHope Inc is a registered 501(c)3 organization.

We believe in accountability and transparency with our finances.

Click this link for our FY 2023 financials to see how we spend our resources 

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